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Trekový tučňáček

Na Star Trek můžete narazit prakticky kdekoliv, samozřejmě nejen v televizi.
(Pozn. - články z novin a časopisů k dispozici zde.)

Dne 20. srpna 2003 vyšla Ve středu 13. června 2001 proběhl speciální večer věnovaný výročí devíti let existence pražského klubu Roxy. Oslavy začaly v sedm večer a skončily v sedm ráno. Celá noc se odehrála v duchu seriálu Star Trek, dekoracím vévodila obří maketa vesmírné lodi Voyager. V rámci reklamní kampaně dva týdny předem jste mohli v Praze narazit na plakáty s pozadím stanice Deep Space 9. Dodatečně si můžete stáhnout pozvánku z radií + obrázek plakátů.

Písničkovou parodii na Star Trek (Trekraps) ve formátu MP3 v délce 1 min 13 sekund si můžete stáhnout zde. (tip - Mirek Luňák)

Od půlky dubna 2004 můžete na rádiu Kiss Jižní Čechy (87,8 - 97,7 - 99,3) slyšet reklamu na autosalon Porsche ve stylu Nové generace. Ke stažení k dispozici zde. (tip - Jackman)

Ve videoklipu Beastie Boys (Ch Check it out) hoši parodují Star Trek nejen v bitce z epizody TOS: Amok Time. Písničku v délce 3 min 20 sekund si můžete stáhnout zde. (tip - Jolinar + Jan Loužek)

Ve videoklipu od Dalera (Taliban Disco) je zakomponován transport mj. ze Star Treku. Písničku v délce 1 min 15 sekund si můžete stáhnout zde. (tip - Doktor)

Ve videoklipu Aquagen (Girl) jsou v závěru vidět zpěváci tančící na pláži v uniformách Flotily, jeden má modrou a druhý žlutou i s komunikátorama :) Písničku v délce 2 min 57 sekund si můžete stáhnout zde. (tip - Yakuzza)

Celkem známá je treková písnička The Firm - Star Trekkin. Ke stažení k dispozici zde. (tip - Yakuzza)

Star Trekking, across the universe,
On the Starship Enterprise, under Captain Kirk.
Star Trekking, across the universe,
Only going forward, 'cause we can't find reverse.

Lt. Uhura, report!

There's Klingons on the starboard bow,
starboard bow,
starboard bow.
There's Klingons on the starboard bow,
starboard bow, [again|Jim].

Analysis!, Mister Spock!

It's life, Jim, but not as we know it,
not as we know it,
not as we know it.
It's life, Jim, but not as we know it,
not as we know it, Captain.

There's Klingons on the starboard bow,
starboard bow,
starboard bow.
There's Klingons on the starboard bow,
starboard bow, again.

Star Trekking, across the universe,
On the Starship Enterprise, under Captain Kirk.
Star Trekking, across the universe,
Only going forward, still can't find reverse.

Medical "garbled", Doctor McCoy

It's worse than that, he's dead, Jim.
Dead, Jim.
Dead, Jim.
It's worse than that, he's dead, Jim.
Dead, Jim, Dead.

It's life, Jim, but not as we know it,
not as we know it,
not as we know it.
It's life, Jim, but not as we know it,
not as we know it, Captain.

There's Klingons on the starboard bow,
starboard bow,
starboard bow.
There's Klingons on the starboard bow,
starboard bow, Jim!

Starship Captain, James T. Kirk

Ha-ha! We come in peace, shoot to kill,
shoot to kill,
shoot to kill.
We come in peace, shoot to kill,
shoot to kill, men.

It's worse than that, he's dead, Jim.
Dead, Jim.
Dead, Jim.
It's worse than that, he's dead, Jim.
Dead, Jim, Dead.

Well, it's life, Jim, but not as we know it,
not as we know it,
not as we know it.
It's life, Jim, but not as we know it,
not as we know it, Captain.

There's Klingons on the starboard bow,
starboard bow,
starboard bow.
There's Klingons on the starboard bow,
scrape 'em off, Jim.

Star Trekking, across the universe,
On the Starship Enterprise, under Captain Kirk!
Star Trekking, across the universe,
Only going forward, and things are getting worse!

Engine[er| room], Mister Scott

Ye canna change the laws of physics,
laws of physics,
laws of physics!
Ye canna change the laws of physics,
laws of physics, [yet|Jim]

Oh, we come in peace, shoot to kill,
shoot to kill,
shoot to kill!
We come in peace, shoot to kill,
Scotty, beam me up!

Na albu Mrázek ústředna 2 najdete telefonát pojmenovaný 'Uprchlíci z kosmu' aneb pozor na Klingony! Ke stažení k dispozici zde. (tip - Yakuzza)

Na konci videoklipu "The End Has No End" od kapely The Strokes se členové této skupiny po "startrekovsku" transportují z reálného světa do světa odehrávajícího se za televizní obrazovkou. (tip - Masha Yar)

Ve druhé půlce videoklipu "America" od skupiny Rammstein 'kosmonauti paří' pinballovou hru Star Trek. Ukázku v délce 20 sekund si můžete stáhnout zde. (tip - Diegina)

Asi v půlce písničky "99 Luftballons" od Neny se zpívá o Kirkovi. Ke stažení k dispozici zde. (tip - vita)

Písničku v podání Leonarda Nimoye (Spocka) s příhodným názvem "Highly Illogical" si můžete stáhnout zde. (tip - Nadporučík Kirsch)

From far beyond the galaxies I've journeyed to this place
To study the behavior patterns of the human race
And I find them highly illogical

Girl meets boy they fall in love
She says he's everything she's dreamed of
But when they get married before he's aware
She changes his habits the way he combs his hair
She changes him to someone he's never been
And then complains he's not like other men
Now really I find this most illogical

Take the case of your automobiles
Greatest invention since man discovered wheels
Hydromatic overdrive four-on-the-floor
Pushbutton windows pushbutton doors
Double barreled carborators rush you anyplace
But you never can find a parking space
Highly illogical

Take the case of modern man
He works all his life gives it all he can
Saves all his money works overtime
Pinches every penny banks every dime
All he can think about is money but you know
That he can't take it with him where he's going to go
Now I find that fascinatingly illogical

Now is the time to journey home to tell of what I've learned
My people I believe have every right to be concerned
For in spite of computers and advanced psychology
Behavior patterns are still a mystery
I predict the future of this earthly human race
Is that having made a mess of Earth They'll move to outer space
Well there goes the neighborhood
Totally, completely, absolutely, irrevocably, highly illogical

Moc pěknou písničku od Dr. Dementa - Never Trust a Klingon si můžete stáhnout zde. (tip - Nadporučík Kirsch)

The Klingon bastards flies around
always ready for some war
They don't care about any rules at all
as long as they can kill some more
Evil barbarians without discipline
unpredictable death machine

With their cloaking device they remain invisible
until the time has come
to appear right ahead of us
and obliterate everyone
If you ever would give them a helping hand
you can be sure they'll chop off the arm
Never, ever, never trust a Klingon
you will always regret it
Never, ever, never trust a Klingon
you will never forget it

Na obalu singlu "End of a Century" od kapely Blur je vyobrazena třída Constitution. (tip - Mirak)

Videoklip od Stefana Raaba - Space Taxi je parodií na Star Trek a zvlaště pak na pana Spocka, který zde vystupuje v růžové uniformě a samozrejmě mu nechybí špičatá ouška. Malý sestřih si můžete stáhnout zde. (tip - Jíří Kozlovský).

Skupina R.E.M. má písničku "Where's Captain Kirk?" na albu Fan Club & Christmas. Ke stažení k dispozici zde. (tip - Lukáš Čikl).

V adventuře The Longest Journey je slyšet narážka na Star Trek, když na policejní stanici sedí tři vězni, jeden z nich je černoch z trochu zašpičatělýma ušima a hlavní hrdinka to okomentuje hláškou: "Tuvok?" :) (tip - Mirak).

Skupina Black Eyed Peas má písničku "Don't Phunk With My Heart" - ve videoklipu používají něco, co nápadně připomíná transportní technologii ve Star Treku - vždycky si stoupnou na taková kolečka a přenese je to někam jinam. Ukázka ke stažení k dispozici zde. (tip - Karolína).

Weird al yankovic - White n nerdy je písnička, ve které jsou hned tři narážky na Star Trek - znak Klingonů (obrázek), obrazy kapitána Kirka a Picarda nad postelí v ložnici (obrázek) a klasický vulkánský pozdrav (obrázek). Celý klip si můžete stáhnout zde. (tip - P_E_T)

Do PC 3D hry Duke Nuke autoři tajně přimíchali i můstek Enterprise, resp. celou palubu jedna :) Důkaz zde. (tip - Marty McFly)