Captain's Log, Stardate 48579.4.
The crew has been scanning constantly
for anomalies that might help us shorten our journey home.
Ensign Kim has reported an exciting discovery--
a subspace disturbance which may be a wormhole.
Let's see what you have, Mr. Kim.
There. lt's registering only on subspace bands.
We don't even have it on long-range sensors yet.
Verteron emanations.
Tunneling secondary particles.
lt certainly looks like a wormhole.
But is it stable enough for us to enter,
and if it is, where does it lead?
There is, of course,
a 7 5 percent chance that a wormhole
will not lead to the Alpha Quadrant.
Very true, but you can also say
there's a one in four chance it will.
Those aren't bad odds.
Any analysis yet, Ensign?
Too far away.
We'd have to be within 1,000 kilometers
to get a detailed analysis,
but that would mean a significant course change.
Well, Mr. Kim,
if there's even the possibility of finding a wormhole,
l think we can afford a detour.
input the coordinates and change course.
Aye, Captain.
And may l suggest, if this works,
we petition the Federation Astronomical Committee
to officially designate this ''The Harry Kim Wormhole.''
Captain, we're approaching the coordinates of the wormhole.
On screen.
Are we in visual range?
Affirmative, Captain, and the anomaly is
still registering on subspace bands.
Sensors also indicate it's there.
lncrease to highest magnification.
lf that's a wormhole, it must be
the smallest one on record.
Mr. Kim, are you able to analyze it?
Aye, Captain. lt's virtually microscopic.
The aperture is only about 30 centimeters in diameter.
l guess it's a little too small for us to fly through.
However... it might be large enough
to act as a conduit for a message.
That's right.
lt could carry a compressed data transmission
to Federation space in minutes.
We still have to find out
if it goes anywhere near the Alpha Quadrant.
Can you trace its subspace bearing?
l can't get any directional readings at all.
The aperture is too small.
l recommend we launch a microprobe
into the wormhole.
Agreed. Do it, Lieutenant.
Aye, Captain.
We're receiving telemetry.
lt doesn't look
like any wormhole l've ever studied.
Microscopic gravitational eddies,
extremely constricted spatial dimensions...
The pathway is barely wider than the probe itself.
l think what we're seeing
is a wormhole in an advanced state of decay.
lt must be ancient.
Probably been collapsing for centuries.
Does that mean we can't send a message through it?
No, l can do it.
Maybe it'll take longer to get through,
but the wormhole's still stable enough to carry
a transmission.
Any idea yet where that message would end up, Ensign?
l'll try extrapolating the verteron exit vector.
No, l can't get it.
There's a strange phase variance in the radiation stream.
We'll have to wait until the probe exits.
That shouldn't take long.
Captain, l'm getting a distorted energy reading.
The probe's telemetry has changed.
lt's stuck.
lt's mired in a gravitational eddy,
and because the wormhole's in a state of collapse,
those eddies are incredibly dense.
That probe will never break free, Captain,
and we'll have no way of finding out
where the wormhole ends.
Let's give it some time.
Maybe it will work itself loose.
What is it, Ensign?
Our probe...
was just scanned.
there's somebody on the other side of the wormhole.
lt started acting up a couple of days ago.
l've been working out in the gym.
Maybe l overdid it.
ls it sore here?
Localized tenderness to the ulnar bone,
no epidermal damage, moderate edema.
What are the possible diagnoses?
Epicondylitis, strained ligament,
torn muscle, and hairline fracture.
That's exactly right.
l've studied all the material you gave me.
l'm ready for more.
There's a great deal more for you to learn.
The tricorder indicates this is a small stress fracture.
Can this guy do everything a real doctor does?
Yes, he can.
Activate it, and direct the beam here.
That's it.
Not quite so fast.
lf l had to get treatment for something serious--
if l needed surgery, for instance--
would he be performing it?
Of course, and quite expertly, too.
l don't know.
l'd have to think twice about that.
Fine. And if you were lucky, you wouldn't die on the table
while you were making up your mind.
That should do it.
How does it feel?
Not bad.
Doctor, did you notice
how rudely that officer treated you?
No more so than most.
You mean others act that way, too?
Let's just say, l've become accustomed
to being treated like a hypospray.
Now, here's some material on first aid for burns.
Doctor, l think l'd like to do more
than study first aid.
l'd be interested in knowing more
about anatomy and physiology.
You're intellectually curious.
l like that.
These deal with human anatomy
and physiology, but they weren't written for the layman.
They're quite technical.
l understand.
l'll do my best.
And l really appreciate your help.
We've analyzed the data.
So far, our sensors have detected
four separate scans of the microprobe--
each one on a progressively narrower band.
Someone on the other end of that wormhole
is definitely interested in that probe.
We cannot preclude the possibility that there is
a microscopic entity within the wormhole,
curious about an intruder.
That's possible, but you'd think our probe
would have detected something like that.
What's the condition of the probe now?
l've been monitoring it from Engineering.
lt's still embedded in the gravitational eddy,
but within 72 hours, it will be crushed.
But until then,
it should continue to transmit telemetry.
lf we're reading scans from the other side,
it's possible the probe is acting as a relay.
lf that's true, we should be able to use it
to transmit a message
to whoever is executing the scan.
Yes. l can modify our subspace communications band
to accept the probe as a booster.
Let's try it, Mr. Kim.
l'll give you a hand.
l fear Mr. Kim's exuberance
may turn into an equally intense disappointment
if his efforts prove in vain.
You may be right, but l'd rather assume
that he's going to be successful.
Okay, l've boosted power to the communications bandwidth.
Now, all we have to do
is reconfigure the signal generator
so it's compatible with the probe's long-range sensors.
l'm on it.
Just a few minutes more.
This has to work.
lt'll mean so much to people back home
to know we're alive and headed for Federation space.
We haven't been gone that long.
People won't give up on us so soon.
They probably just think we're lost.
lt's still going to be hard on my folks.
l always called them once a week,
even when l was on my training missions.
l've never been out of contact for so long.
Well, it is going to work, Starfleet,
so pretty soon they're going to know you're all right.
How about you?
Any family?
l haven't seen my father since l was five.
He and my mother separated.
He went back to Earth,
and, um, that was the last l saw of him.
And your mom?
l think she's on the Klingon Homeworld.
You think?
We didn't get along very well.
The signal generator should be tuned
to the probe's long-range sensors.
lsn't there anyone back home who'd be worried about you?
The Maquis are as close to family as l've ever had.
Most of my friends are here on the ship,
so... no.
There's no one back home who's going to care
one way or another whether l'm alive.
We're ready to transmit.
Engineering to Bridge.
Janeway here.
We have a communications link with the microprobe.
We're going to try sending a preliminary test signal--
a series of sub-harmonic pulses.
They stand the best chance
of transmission through the wormhole.
Aye, Captain.
l'm reading transmission of the test signal.
The probe has received it and relayed it.
How will we know if the signal reaches somebody?
The only way...
is if that somebody answers.
There's no response.
lt's too soon.
Remember, we have no idea
how long it takes to reach the other side.
Are you reading anything, Mr. Tuvok?
Negative, Captain.
There is nothing that would suggest a response.
Even if someone receives our signal,
it might take them some time to figure out how to return it.
You're right. Janeway to Kim.
Continue transmitting.
Aye, Captain.
How long should we keep it up?
Until l tell you otherwise.
You have the Bridge, Commander.
Mr. Tuvok.
l'm getting something, Captain.
l'm getting it, too.
A subspace signal relayed through the probe.
That signal is being transmitted
at exactly the same frequency and amplitude as our signal.
lt's a response.
Someone received our transmission,
and sent one back.
And their signal originated in the...
Alpha Quadrant.
Captain's Log, supplemental.
Encouraged by his success
in transmitting a signal to the Alpha Quadrant,
Mr. Kim is investigating the possibility
of establishing a voice link
with whoever is at the other end of the wormhole.
Come in.
Kes, this is a surprise.
Am l interrupting?
Not at all.
l was just going to have a cup of soup.
Would you like anything?
Uh, spinach juice with a touch of pear, please.
Tom Paris introduced me to it.
lt's very nutritious.
l'm sure.
Computer, one spinach juice with a touch of pear,
and one cup of vegetable bouillon.
What can l do for you?
lf there were a member of the crew
whose needs weren't being met, would you want to know about it?
Of course.
Kes, do you and Neelix feel
that your needs are being ignored?
Of course not.
We're very happy here.
l'm referring to the Doctor.
The Doctor?
l don't understand
why people treat him the way they do.
How do people treat him?
As though he doesn't exist.
They talk about him while he's standing right there.
They ignore him, they insult him.
Well, as a matter of fact,
l've been hearing the other side of the coin.
Many of the crew have complained
that the Doctor is brusque, even rude--
that he lacks any bedside manner.
We've been talking about reprogramming him.
You can do that?
lt doesn't seem right.
Kes, he's only a hologram.
He's your Medical Officer. He's alive.
No, he's not.
He's self-aware. He's communicative.
He has the ability to learn.
Because he's been programmed to do that.
So because he's a hologram,
he doesn't have to be treated with respect,
or any consideration at all?
Very well.
l'll look into it.
Thank you, Captain.
Okay, we'll be ready to go on line in a couple minutes.
l'm still worried about the gravitational interference.
l don't think the covariant isolator
will be effective with a vocal transmission.
Let's try inverting the narrow band filter.
Progress report, Ensign.
l think we're ready to give it a try,
but we're pushing through
some pretty heavy gravitational interference.
l can't guarantee the clarity of the transmission.
Let's see what happens.
This is Captain Kathryn Janeway
of the Federation Starship Voyager.
Do you read?
l'll narrow the filter band-pass some more.
Try again, Captain.
This is Kathryn Janeway of the Federation Ship Voyager.
ls anyone receiving this communication?
Narrow the band-pass a little more.
Try again, Captain.
This is Janeway.
Please repeat your last transmission.
...cargo vessel...
...your location.
Cargo vessel, we're still trying
to clear up your last transmission.
Please repeat one more time.
l am Captain of the Cargo Vessel Talvath.
Location Alpha Quadrant, sector 1385.
What is your location?
We are in the Delta Quadrant,
but since this Quadrant hasn't been charted,
l can't specify our exact location.
Please confirm.
You said Delta Quadrant?
ln a Federation starship?
Yes. We were on a mission
and we got pulled into this Quadrant.
Pulled in? How?
lt's a complicated story.
Please, if you would just try deconstructing
the phase shift of our hailing frequency,
you can verify.
You are undoubtedly still in the Alpha Quadrant.
What are your coordinates?
l assure you l am telling you the truth.
We are in the Delta Quadrant, 70,000 light-years from you.
This is preposterous.
You are obviously lying.
l am terminating communication.
No. No, wait.
Kim, hail him again.
No response, Captain.
Why would he have broken off transmission?
Perhaps l can offer an explanation.
The com-link signature of his transmission indicates
the message originated from a Romulan ship.
Further, there are no known shipping lanes
in the sector he identified.
Given the precise calibration of his signal,
l would suggest that he is in fact on board a science vessel.
Why would he pretend to be a cargo captain?
lf he's engaged in some kind of secret research,
he might want to conceal that fact.
And when we claimed to be transmitting
from the Delta Quadrant--
an impossibility so far as he knows--
he may have feared we were Federation spies.
Just our luck.
We raise one ship from the Alpha Quadrant
and it has to be Romulan.
That Romulan still has the ability
to get a message to Starfleet.
Mr. Kim, hail the Talvath repeatedly.
Call me the minute you reestablish contact.
Commander, you have the Bridge.
Aye, Captain.
Computer, initiate emergency medical holographic program.
Please state the nature of the medical emergency.
There is no emergency, Doctor.
Well... that's good.
l was right in the middle of preparing a culture
to test Lieutenant Hargrove for Arethian flu
when Ensign Kyoto deactivated me.
l'm sure she didn't realize you were busy.
What is it you wanted, Captain?
Actually, l thought we might just...
talk for a moment.
About what?
Doctor, you were originally programmed
to serve in a limited fashion during an emergency.
Now you're being asked to do much more.
That's certainly true.
l'm providing full-time medical service
for the entire ship's crew,
functioning as both doctor and nurse
and now as an instructor as well.
You don't have the luxury of thinking of yourself
as an emergency medical program anymore.
You've become a full-fledged member of the crew.
l see.
Are you suggesting that l be reprogrammed?
l'm asking if there's anything l can do...
to help you.
Help me?
lf there's anything you need or want,
l'd like to see that you get it.
What l'd like is to be turned off when people leave.
l spend hours here with absolutely nothing to do.
When someone does remember to deactivate me,
they do so without asking if it's convenient.
lt's extremely irritating.
What if l gave you control...
over your deactivation sequence?
l beg your pardon?
l'm sure we can make it possible for you to turn yourself off,
or to prevent being turned off.
l... l might like that.
l'll have someone look into it.
Anything else?
l'm not sure.
l'll have to give it some thought.
You do that.
Kim to Captain Janeway.
Janeway here.
Captain, we've got him back-- the Romulan.
Good work.
Put him through to my quarters.
This is Kathryn Janeway.
This is the Cargo Vessel Talvath.
Thank you for answering our hail, Captain.
What is your name?
How may l address you?
l'd prefer not to give my name.
Very well.
l understand that you must have been skeptical
when l told you where we are.
l hope you've been able to verify our position.
My analysis of your hailing frequency seems to indicate
that it originates in the Delta Quadrant,
but l am not precluding the possibility
that you've been able to create that illusion somehow.
To what end?
l'm not sure, but that doesn't negate the possibility.
How can l assure you of my truthfulness?
You say you are a Federation ship.
Are you a Starfleet vessel?
Yes, we are.
And your mission in the Delta Quadrant?
Our mission was originally in the Alpha Quadrant.
We were pulled against our will to our present location.
Now we're trying to get home.
Aren't you in fact Starfleet spies
on a surveillance mission?
Captain, l understand your concern.
Naturally, the Romulan Empire
doesn't want Starfleet spying on its science vessels,
but since we're 70,000 light-years from Romulan space,
and a subspace message to Starfleet would take years,
l think you have to admit
that we can't be much of a threat to you.
You have nothing to fear from us.
Soothing words, Captain,
but they are only words.
lf we were spies,
we wouldn't be asking what l'm going to ask you now.
We have no way of communicating with Starfleet...
with our friends and families.
We're hoping you might be able to relay a message for us.
Our crew is not large.
Each of them could write a short, personal message.
You'd be welcome to read them all before passing them on.
And l think you'd be convinced that they're nothing more
than the heartfelt words of some...
very lonely people.
Captain... it would ease my apprehension
if l could see that you are who you say you are.
l have a signal amplifier on board.
l've been working to reconfigure the protocols
to penetrate the radiation stream of the wormhole.
l think it might be possible
to establish a visual link between us.
l have no objection.
When that's done...
will you help us?
l make no promises.
Let us proceed one step at a time.
Have your officers contact me
in order to attempt the visual link.
-Good night. -Good night.
We're ready to try a visual link with the Romulan ship, Captain.
Good work.
We didn't have any trouble configuring the protocols.
But that phase variance in the radiation stream
gave us a few problems.
Torres is going to balance it manually
from Engineering.
We've got the communications frequency locked in.
On screen.
l presume you are Captain Janeway.
l want to thank you, Captain, for maintaining contact with us.
lt means a great deal to me and to my crew.
l am not familiar with this class of ship.
lt's new, but it isn't classified.
l'm a little surprised your intelligence
hasn't provided you with information.
l've been at space for over a year, Captain,
and am not privy to the latest intelligence.
l'm sure that our operatives have provided the government
with detailed information about your new ship.
No doubt.
Captain, have you been able
to communicate with your government
about sending our messages?
l have.
They've promised to take the matter under advisement.
l see.
And when do you think they will have an answer?
lt is impossible to predict the timetable
of the Romulan Senate.
When they've made their decision, l will hear from them.
We don't have the luxury of a great deal of time.
My officers are predicting that the probe will become inoperable
in the next 48 hours.
Captain, l am a low-ranking scientist,
a minor functionary.
lt is not my place to tell the Romulan Senate
to speed up their decision-making process.
You said you've been in space for over a year.
Do you have any family?
l assume they're not with you in space.
My wife... and my daughter are on Romulus.
A daughter...
How old is she?
She is... seven months.
Then you've never seen her.
To my sorrow, no.
She'll be two years old before l get back.
You must miss your family very much.
l knew when l accepted this assignment
that there would be a price to pay.
Perhaps l didn't realize how high that price would be.
every one of us on this ship has left behind friends, family,
loved ones.
We may not see them again for years...
maybe never.
So we can all understand how lonely you must be.
Surely you can understand our feelings as well.
We would be deeply grateful for any efforts you might make
to persuade your government to send our messages.
l cannot guarantee success, but l will try to persuade
my superiors to make their decision quickly...
and positively.
Thank you.
l will contact you again.
Commander, let's assume he's going to be successful.
Tell the crew to prepare personal messages
and have them ready within the hour.
With pleasure, Captain.
Captain, l have to talk to you.
Go ahead, Torres.
No! l mean, in private.
l think this will work, Captain,
but l didn't want to bring it up
in front of the crew.
lt wouldn't be right to get their hopes up
in case it doesn't work, although l think it will.
Slow down, Torres,
and tell me what you're talking about.
The phase amplitude
of the visual link with the Romulan ship--
it's within just a few megahertz
of meeting transporter protocols.
Are you suggesting...?
We might be able
to piggy-back a transporter beam
onto the visual link.
We could transport the entire crew back to the Alpha Quadrant.
You'll have to reconfigure the matter transmission rate...
Fairly substantially.
...and we risk losing whatever we try to beam out.
We'll have to run a series of tests first.
See to it, Lieutenant.
l'll need some help.
You have my authorization to use any
of the ship's personnel you need.
This is top priority.
And don't worry about secrecy.
l doubt you'll be able to keep this quiet for very long.
l finished these, and l'm ready for more.
You finished those already?
l enjoyed studying anatomy.
lt would be interesting to see an autopsy sometime.
What are the bones of the middle ear?
Malleus, incus and stapes.
And the connective tissue
between the middle and the external auditory canal?
The tympanic membrane.
Hmm. l suspect you have an eidetic memory--
an astonishing gift.
l'll do a full neural scan on you at some point.
l've been thinking...
if we do get back to Federation space,
l'd like to explore the possibility
of going to medical school.
lf you continue to apply yourself as you have,
by the time we get back, you may already have
the equivalent of a medical degree.
Then you haven't heard?
Heard what?
That we might be getting back soon.
lf there's one thing you can count on,
it's that l am the last to be told
about anything that happens on this ship.
Everyone's talking about it.
There may be a way to transport all of us
to the Alpha Quadrant.
Chief Torres and half of Engineering
are working on it right now.
l see.
Well, l'll say good-bye now.
l won't be transporting with the rest of you.
But can't we download your program and take you with us?
My program is fully integrated into the Sick Bay system.
At present, l... cannot be downloaded.
Thank you for everything.
Wait. l'd like...
That is...
could l ask a favor of you?
lf you do leave, before you go,
would you check to make sure l've been deactivated?
l promise.
And our Chief Engineer
has managed to bind a transporter beam
to the visual link between us.
Then you've matched your data transmission
to the phase amplitude of our com signal?
Apparently, our intelligence operatives
are not doing their job.
You clearly have technology that we are unaware of.
This would be an incredible breakthrough
in subspace field mechanics.
lf it's successful, we'd like to try transmitting
a test cylinder to you.
A test cylinder of what sort?
lt is a standard Starfleet mechanism
with a varietal molecular matrix.
lt simulates most known organic and non-organic compounds.
lt is not classified technology.
Ah, l am aware of this mechanism.
We use a similar device.
l will allow the transport.
Bridge to Transporter Room 1.
Torres here.
We're all set, Captain.
The lock is active,
and we're focused on the Romulan's
transporter coordinates.
All right, then.
Let's give it a try.
The cylinder has dematerialized, Captain.
Can you get it back?
The pattern buffer
is having trouble accepting the matter stream.
l'll increase power to the phase transition coils.
Ramp the coils to 37 megajoules.
37 megajoules.
Congratulations, Captain. You've done it.
Very impressive.
We should run a series of these tests, just to make sure,
but we have to act quickly before the probe is crushed.
l understand.
Eventually, we'll have to try transporting a person.
One of our crew will beam to your ship,
if you'll allow it.
l'm afraid l can't permit that, Captain.
My government would never allow
Starfleet personnel on this ship.
l wouldn't want my logs to show that activity.
Then what would you suggest?
l'll volunteer to transport to your ship... and back again.
But, Captain...
if we can't transport to your ship,
how are we to get back?
lf the procedure is successful,
l'll arrange for a troop ship to join me.
That would easily accommodate your crew.
Very well.
We'll be in touch.
Kim and Torres have made
more than 20 transports of the test cylinder.
Even though she's still having trouble
with that phase variance,
every one of them has been successful.
Let's hope it goes as well with the Romulan.
Captain, l must insist l stay with him
at all times while he is on board.
We're locked on to him.
Whenever you're ready, Captain.
Well, let's try it.
What's the problem?
lt's the phase variance in the radiation stream.
l'm balancing it manually.
Welcome to the Delta Quadrant... Captain.
My First Officer, Commander Chakotay.
Lieutenant Tuvok, Head of Security.
Chief Engineer Torres...
and Operations Officer Kim.
My congratulations on your remarkable accomplishment.
This is an astonishing breakthrough.
For a while there, l didn't think
you were going to make it.
There was a strange phase variance
in the radiation stream.
lt almost kept us from pulling you through.
Mr. Tuvok, you may begin evacuation procedures.
l suggest we delay that for the moment, Captain.
l'm afraid l found the reason for the unusual phase variance.
What is it?
Captain, what year is it?
What year?
lf you please.
By your calendar, the year is 2351.
But... this is 237 1.
Our Romulan visitor is a person out of time.
He's showing clear evidence of temporal displacement.
l would surmise that the wormhole is a rift
not just in space, but in time.
The unusual phase variance we detected
was actually an indication of a temporal shift.
We have transported him from 20 years in the past
to our present.
l've gone over and over the transporter logs.
There is no question that if we try
to transport ourselves through that wormhole,
we'll end up 20 years in the past.
Then let's do it.
lt's better than spending the next 70 years
trying to get back.
How can we do that?
We'd be going back to a time
when you were only two years old.
l know you're disappointed, Harry.
We all are.
lt seemed we were so close...
but clearly, we can't go back.
lt would pollute the timeline to such an extent
that the consequences would be unimaginable.
l'm afraid we'll have to send you back alone,
and ask that you not reveal anything
that has happened here.
l can assure you, Captain, that l would not do anything
that might contaminate the future and perhaps harm
the Romulan Empire.
in 20 years...
l could alert Starfleet not to launch
the mission which sent you here.
l'm afraid that's not possible either.
We've already had a huge impact on this Quadrant.
People and events here would be drastically affected.
l'm afraid we're left with our original request.
ln 20 years...
would you relay our personal messages to Starfleet?
Of course.
At the proper time, l will transmit them.
lf you should find a way back within my lifetime...
l'd be an old man,
but l would welcome a message from you.
l am Telek R'Mor of the Romulan Astrophysical Academy.
l promise you'll hear from us...
because we will get back.
These are our messages.
l wish you luck on your journey.
And l thank you for your help.
His signal's in the pattern buffer.
Transferring to the emitter array.
Phase variance is out of sync again.
Transport complete, Captain.
He made it.
l'll tell the crew.
They can have the satisfaction
of knowing that their messages have reached their families.
l did not want to mention this until after our guest had left.
l checked the computer's data banks
for a Romulan scientist named Telek R'Mor.
l'm sorry to report
Dr. R'Mor died in 2367.
That was four years ago.
That is correct.
Before he would have sent our messages.
Maybe he left a will,
telling someone else to transmit the messages
or he could have given our computer chip
to the Romulan government.
lt is possible.
Unfortunately, there is no way to know.
Then let's move on.
We've got a long way to go.
l tried a new hamstring exercise--
maybe l overdid it--
but my workouts are about all that stand between me
and a severe case of cabin fever.
Lieutenant, l am the Chief Medical Officer of this ship.
lf you have something to say to me,
please direct the statement to me.
you see, l need to work out.
l'm not telling you not to work out.
l'm suggesting
you use a modicum of common sense when you do it.
lf l see you in here again for an exercise-related injury,
l'll have to discuss the matter with your superior officer.
Yes... sir.
You're fine now. You may leave.
Yes, sir.
Thank you, sir.
l don't think he'll make the mistake
of ignoring you again.
Captain Janeway has made me realize that l must function
as more than an emergency medical replacement.
l must think of myself as a... member of the crew.
You're absolutely right.
l've prepared a list
of things l'd like to see added to Sick Bay.
Perhaps you could present it to the Captain?
l'd be happy to.
There's one more request...
something of a... a personal nature.
l would like...
a name.

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