Citáty a moudra kapitána Janeway

Most of the species we've encountered have overcome all kinds of adversity without a caretaker. It's the challenge of surviving on their own that helps them to evolve.
Janeway to the Caretaker [#2 Caretaker, Part Two]

We're alone, in an uncharted part of the galaxy. We've already made some friends here, and some enemies. We have no idea of the dangers we're going to face, but one thing is clear, both crews are going to have to work together if we're to survive. That's why Commander Chakotay and I have agreed that this should be one crew, a Starfleet crew. And as the only Starfleet vessel assigned to the Delta Quadrant we'll continue to follow our directive: to seek out new worlds and to explore space. But our primary goal is clear. Even at maximum speeds it would take 75 years to reach the Federation. But I'm not willing to settle for that. There's another entity like the Caretaker out there somewhere who has the ability to get us there a lot faster, and we'll be looking for wormholes, spatial rifts or new technologies to help us. Somewhere along this journey, we'll find a way back. Mr Paris, set a course, for home.
Janeway to the crew [#2 Caretaker, Part Two]


In command school they taught us to always remember that manoevring a starship is a very delicate process. But over the years I've learned that sometimes you just have to punch your way through.
Janeway to Paris [#3 Parallax]

One of the nice things about being captain is that you can keep some things to yourself.
Janeway to Chakotay [#3 Parallax]

Personal log stardate 48546.2. Our journey is several weeks old now, and I have begun to notice in my crew and, in my myself, a subtle change as the reality of our situation settles in. Here in the Delta Quadrant we are virtually the entire family of man. We are more than a crew, and I must find a way to be more than a captain to these people, but it's not clear to me exactly how to begin. At the Academy we're taught that a captain is expected to maintain a certain distance. Until now I've always been comfortable with that distance....Maybe this is just the way it works, maybe the distance is necessary, maybe more than ever they need me to be larger than life. I only wish I felt larger than life.
Janeway's personal log [#6 The Cloud]

There's coffee in that nebula.
Janeway, aloud on the bridge [#6 The Cloud]

Dismissed. That's a Starfleet expression for 'get out'.
Janeway to Neelix [#6 The Cloud]

Who are we to swoop in, play god, and then continue on our way without the slightest consideration of the long-term effects of our actions?
Janeway to Torres, on the Prime Directive [#29 Prototype]

In a part of space where there are few rules, it's more important than ever that we hold fast to our own. In a region where shifting allegiances are commonplace, we have to have something stable to rely on, and we do - the principles and ideals of the Federation. As far as I'm concerned, those are the best allies we could have.
Janeway to a meeting of the senior staff [#30 Alliances]

Mr Kim, we're Starfleet officers. 'Weird' is part of the job.
Janeway to Kim [#37 Deadlock]

I've known fear. It's a very healthy thing most of the time. You warn us of danger, remind us of our limits, protect us from carelessness. I've learned to trust fear. ... You know as well as I do that fear only exists for one purpose - to be conquered.
Janeway to the Fear Clown [#39 The Thaw]

This is Kathryn Janeway. I've never liked saying goodbye, so I'll make this brief. But I want you all to know that serving as your captain has been the most extraordinary experience of my life. No captain could ask more than what this crew has given - bravery, compassion, and strength of character, but I think what I'll miss most is the fun, the times we joked together, the games on the holodeck. I'll remember the laughter more than anything. Although Commander Chakotay and I won't be with you for the rest of your journey, we know that you'll be the same steadfast crew for Mr Tuvok as you have been for us. We wish you a safe and speedy journey home. Our thoughts will be with you. Janeway out.
Janeway to the crew [#41 Resolutions]

Space must've seemed a whole lot bigger back then. It's not surprising they had to bend the rules a little. They were a little slower to invoke the Prime Directive and a little quicker to pull their phasers. Of course, the whole bunch of them would be booted out of Starfleet today, but I have to admit - I would've loved to ride shotgun at least once with a group of officers like that.
Janeway to Kim [#44 Flashback]

Those 'best qualities of humanitry' you talked about aren't a simple matter of genetics. Love, conscience, compassion - they're attributes that mankind has developed over centuries, values that have passed from one generation to the next, taught by parents to their children. Creating a new kind of Q is a noble idea, but it will take more than impregnating someone and walking away. If you want your offspring to embrace your ideals, you're going to have to teach them yourself.
Janeway to Q [#53 The Q and the Grey]

Three years ago I didn't even know your name. Today, I can't imagine a day without you.
Janeway to Chakotay [#68 Scorpion, Part One]

I'll tell you when we lost control of this situation, when we made our mistake: it was the moment we turned away from each other. We don't have to stop being individuals to get through this. We just have to stop fighting each other.
Janeway to Chakotay [#69 Scorpion, Part Two]

I can't give you back to the Borg. But you're not alone. You're part of a human community now, a human collective. We may be individuals but we live and work together. You can have some of the unity you require, right here on Voyager
Janeway to Seven [#70 The Gift]

One voice can be stronger than a thousand voices.
Janeway to Seven of Nine [#70 The Gift]

Abandon ship? The answer's no. I'm not breaking up the family, Chakotay. We're stronger as a team - one crew, one ship. The moment we split apart we lose the ability to pool our talents - we become vulnerable, we'll get picked off one by one. Now I say we make our stand together.
Janeway to Chakotay [#76 Year of Hell, Part One]

We seek out new races because we want to, not because we're following protocols. We have an insatiable curiosity about the universe.
Janeway to Seven [#78 Random Thoughts]

You know the rules, Tom. We can't pick and choose which laws we'll respect and which we won't.
Janeway to Paris [#78 Random Thoughts]

It never fails to impress me: no matter how vast the differences may be between cultures people always have something somebody else wants, and trade is born.
Janeway to Tuvok [#79 Concerning Flight]

I realise it may be difficult for you to help save this creature's life, but part of becoming human is learning to have compassion for those who are suffering, even when they're your bitter enemies. ... A single act of compassion can put you in touch with your own humanity.
Janeway to Seven [#84 Prey]

Seven, what you call a threat, I call an opportunity to gain knowledge about this species. And in this case, maybe even show some compassion.
Janeway to Seven, on the Hirogen [#84 Prey]

I won't risk half the Quadrant to satisfy our curiosity. It's arrogant and it's irresponsible. The 'final frontier' has some boundaries that shouldn't be crossed.
Janeway to Tuvok [#89 The Omega Directive]

Sometimes fear should be respected.
Janeway to Seven [#89 The Omega Directive]

Sometimes you've got to look back, in order to move forwards.
Janeway to Seven [#94 Hope and Fear]

I dread the day when everyone on this ship agrees with me.
Janeway to Seven [#78 Random Thoughts]

I realise that I've been hard on you at times. But it was never out of anger or regret that I brought you on board. I'm your captain - that means I can't always be a friend.
Janeway to Seven [#94 Hope and Fear]

I don't want anybody to be uncomfortable on this ship.
Janeway to Tuvok and Chakotay [#124 Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy]

If scientific knowledge was all we were after then the Federation would have built a fleet of probes, not Starships. Exploration is about seeing things with your own eyes. In this case, we're exploring the past.
Janeway To Seven [#128 One Small Step]

This isn't sabotage, Seven. It's fan mail.
Janeway to Seven [#133 Virtuoso]

Oh, I've seen things I'd never've imagined, grown closer to people that I never thought possible. I wouldn't call myself a victim and I wouldn't trade the last six years for anything.
Janeway to Mortimer Harran [#140 Good Shepherd]